

Illegal gold from the Amazon to Big Tech, also accused an Italian company

Illegal gold from the Amazon to Big Tech, also accused an Italian company

According to the Brazilian police, the Italian Chimet and Brazilian Marsam have supplied illegal gold to Google, Apple, Amazon and…
Hydroponic: GREENCube, Italian technology grows vegetables in space

Hydroponic: GREENCube, Italian technology grows vegetables in space

GREENCube is the first space garden experiment - designed by an entirely Italian team -six thousand kilometers from Earth. It…
Digital City Index 2022: Copenhagen at the top of the list of the most digitalized smart cities

Digital City Index 2022: Copenhagen at the top of the list of the most digitalized smart cities

According to the Digital City Index 2022, it is the involvement of citizens in the digitalization process that ensures the…
Maldives Floating City, the first floating city against rising seas

Maldives Floating City, the first floating city against rising seas

Inspired by local coral, the Maldives Floating City project will host over 20,000 people on hexagonal modular islands within a…
Environmental impacts: careful companies are rewarded by the market and consumers

Environmental impacts: careful companies are rewarded by the market and consumers

An analysis by the Climate Finance Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano shows how corporate…
The (low) copper production hides a tsunami for the energy transition

The (low) copper production hides a tsunami for the energy transition

A report by S&P Global warns: without enough copper, already in 2035 there will be a shock along the supply…
16 Mediterranean destinations for “sustainable holidays”

16 Mediterranean destinations for “sustainable holidays”

The Interreg Med Incircle project of the Sant'Anna University of Pisa investigates the possibility of circular and sustainable holidays and…
To cut methane emissions we have to spend 10 times more than today

To cut methane emissions we have to spend 10 times more than today

Half of the anthropogenic global warming accumulated so far depends on CH4. To cut it in a way that is…
Dieselgate, the new sentence for Volkswagen says yes to compensation

Dieselgate, the new sentence for Volkswagen says yes to compensation

New blow to the German automaker: lost the case against a group of buyers who had bought vehicles with the…
The ECB’s climate risk stress test: banks systematically underestimate risk

The ECB’s climate risk stress test: banks systematically underestimate risk

The test of the Frankfurt-based institution shows that 6 out of 10 banks have no internal framework to assess climate…
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