

Investment in fossil fuels, the World Bank has not reversed

Investment in fossil fuels, the World Bank has not reversed

A report of Big Shift Global calculates the investments in fossil fuels, direct and indirect, made by the World Bank…
Google launches circular economy startup accelerator

Google launches circular economy startup accelerator

An accelerator for startup circular projects: Google wants to help nascent companies with a program that includes technical support and…
Focusing on synthetic fuels to decarbonize cars is wrong

Focusing on synthetic fuels to decarbonize cars is wrong

In 2035, when the European stop to petrol and diesel vehicles is expected to come into force, EU e-fuel production…
Debt financing within climate tech set to grow over the next few years

Debt financing within climate tech set to grow over the next few years

ver the next decade, it is expected that companies offering climate related technology, will garner the same attention from financiers…
The experience of Covivio: the new face of real estate with people at the heart of evolution

The experience of Covivio: the new face of real estate with people at the heart of evolution

With the ambitious goal of certifying all its European real estate assets reducing emissions by 40%, Covivio is the protagonist…
Deforestation: how central banks destroy the Amazon

Deforestation: how central banks destroy the Amazon

The US Fed, the ECB and the Bank of England have acquired bonds from agribusiness giants linked to the destruction…
Bitcoin mining is bad for the climate like the fossil industry

Bitcoin mining is bad for the climate like the fossil industry

A study published in Scientific Reports calculates the climate and environmental damage of cryptocurrencies as a percentage of their market…
In Germany the production of solar cells puts the turbo

In Germany the production of solar cells puts the turbo

A consortium of companies, experts and researchers under the guidance of the Fraunhofer ISE has created an experimental production line…
The largest floating wind project – hydrogen? It will arise in Italy

The largest floating wind project – hydrogen? It will arise in Italy

Aquaterra and Seawind sign an agreement for the development of HyMed, mega hub of green energy production in Italian deep…
Cylindrical batteries and oceanic plastic: the sustainable innovation of the BMW battery

Cylindrical batteries and oceanic plastic: the sustainable innovation of the BMW battery

The automotive group launches the sixth generation of its lithium-ion cells, a technology that will increase the energy density by…
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