Yes to the fossils of the North Sea and fracking, the agenda of the UK Premier Liz Truss

Liz Truss is installed yesterday to place of Boris Johnson
( – Third woman to move the residence to number 10 Downing Street, after the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher, and meteor Theresa May. And it is Thatcher who is openly inspired by Liz Truss, the new British premier who has just taken the place of BoJo. More to the one that spoke of “new dogma of climate change” promoted by “left governments” than to the one that, among the first, promoted international climate agreements from the UN stage. What will be the first moves of the Truss on the burning energy dossier? On what track will it set the transition of the country that last year hosted COP26 promising -78% emissions by 2035?
Read also Fossil fuels finance, mind blowing figures, 4.600 billion from 2016 to today
Liz Truss seems to have made her choice. Shortly the new executive could issue dozens of new authorizations for the exploration and exploitation of deposits off the British coast. The rumors speak of numbers ranging from a few dozen to 130 new permits. In any case, these fossil fuels will not help the UK navigate the energy crisis. New infrastructure will take years to produce.
Green light for fracking
Another possible step by Liz Truss is fracking. For the moment, a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing is in place in the UK. But an assessment report on the impact of this controversial technique has been in the hands of the government since July. Its conclusions could allow the Prime Minister to reopen the games, as she has repeatedly announced she wants to do. As long as the local communities involved in the extraction of unconventional oil and gas are in agreement.