Meat consumption decreases in Germany

How to combine environmental ethics and natural food
In Germany meat consumption has always been very high, but above all meat (whatever it is) is part of the daily menu and is present in the typical dishes.
It is therefore quite surprising to discover that the Germans have turned to more ecological and, let’s face it, healthier menus.
The downward trend has already started for some time.
The steady decline in meat consumption
Since 1989, the German Ministry of Agriculture has begun to analyze the consumption habits of the population to assess what were the food trends and if there were any changes.
In 2022, for example, a search by the had estimated the consumption of meat per person at 52 kg, with a significant decrease compared to five years before when the recorded amount was 61 kg per person.
This suggests that a more ethical approach to eating in Germany, which takes account of environmental and perhaps also health considerations, is emerging, as nutritionists advise against excessive meat consumption. German cuisine, in fact, also abounds in animal fats.
The decline in meat consumption continues slowly, but inexorably: in 2023 it fell further by 430 grams, reaching the lowest figure since the surveys began.
People are becoming more aware
Cem Ozdemir, the Minister of Agriculture, did not hide his satisfaction and stated that “Germans pay more attention to their health, the impact on the environment and the welfare of animals in their diet. Today many people eat less meat, but more consciously, and all the data indicate that the trend continues”.
read also Meat Grown, the great business that looks to a sustainable future
The decrease in meat consumption is generalized. The one that has marked the highest percentage is beef (-5%) which has increased to 8.9 kg per person.
Pig meat has increased to 27.5 kg per capita with a decrease of 600 grams.
A limited effect of the communicating vessels transferred part of the consumption to poultry: this increased by about 900 grams, which brings the consumption to 13.1 kg per person.
Eat less meat and pollute less is possible
A survey carried out among German citizens showed that 10% of the population declared themselves vegetarian, while 55% called themselves flexitarian, that is, they continue to eat meat and animal derivatives but in small quantities.
The case of Germany gives rise to a spontaneous reflection. Eating less meat is possible, and even polluting less is possible. What if this is the way to go? That means eating natural products in small quantities instead of laboratory-made products. The health of man and the environment will thank us.