In Florence comes Desko, the innovative eco-friendly urban furniture for working in parks

( – “An innovative element of urban furniture with seat, table top and photovoltaic panel cover to meet the needs of smart working and outdoor teaching”. From Florence comes the innovation for workers in smart working. Desko is a workstation with seat, table top and photovoltaic panel: it will be realized starting from the recycling of the plastic, part of which produced during the concerts of Firenze Rocks. The workstations will be located in the garden of horticulture and are energetically self-sufficient structures, to which you can attach your PC, smartphone or tablet.
The project was presented at the headquarters of the Canottieri Firenze by the municipal administration for Le Nozze di Figaro (Florence Rocks), by Alessandro Patrizi di Enecom.
The idea of innovative urban ecological furniture was born from the collaboration between the architects of the Group Desko smart seat, Elisa Belardi, Maria Vittoria Arnetoli, Camilla Tinti and Elena Gelli, graduated from the School of Architecture of the University of Florence in 2018, and a network of Tuscan companies formed by Revet, R3direct and Enecom.
A concrete example of environmental sustainability, circular economy, creative design and technological innovation.
The formation of this new ecological urban furniture combines many virtuous aspects, from the circular economy to technological innovation. The steps tell of a virtuous chain that could make school: Revet is responsible for collecting the plastic, make a selection and reduce it into granules; R3direct uses it for 3D molding, to which is added the plant component that Enecom deals with. The whole process is regionally sustainable, generating a short, circular and sustainable supply chain.
“A concrete example of environmental sustainability, circular economy, creative design and technological innovation – said the city council member Del Re -. But above all a way to rethink how to live the parks and urban gardens: no longer just as places for leisure or sports, but also as living environments for work and teaching, putting together the benefits of living in the open air with the enhancement of urban green spaces. The first two Desko will arrive in the autumn at the Horticulture Garden in front of the Municipal Library. I thank Revet, Firenze Rocks and Desko’s professional women, whom I met during the pandemic: their proposal meets exactly the desire of the department to open to all the green spaces of the city, supporting also those new organizational models of work and distance study that have exploded in pandemic. With Desko we can do this through the use of waste materials, clean energy and free Wi-Fi accessible to everyone in the city. A message, that of the recycling of the plastic material correctly conferred, which will also infect the people of Florence Rocks, which will help to create these innovative furniture”.
Eco-friendly urban furniture as a creative response to lockdown
“The project represents a spontaneous and creative response to the lockdown of spring 2020 due to the pandemic by Covid – explained the creators of the Group Desko smart seat -. The input is derived from an emergency condition but we believe that Desko can engage on multiple trends, which in some cases have been accelerated by the pandemic, such as distance working, outdoor education and, towards urban green spaces, their radical rethinking as natural infrastructures at the service of the community, living according to innovative imaginations in line on the one hand with digitization and on the other with a renewed vision of nature in man-made environments. An example of that virtuous circuit that from the beginning of this adventure we hoped to trigger and that now we see gradually materialize thanks to partners of enormous level”.