Rivers pollution: Plastic catch barriers to keep them clean

Plastic barriers and other requalification to remove rivers pollution
(Sustainabilityenvironment.com) – The Emilia Romagna Region, in Italy, has introduced a system of plastic catch barriers to clean up rivers pollution. The pilot project is being tested in the city of Ferrara, and will field an innovative method for the cleaning of river water. The new project represents “a modern mode of selective waste collection, installed in the first place on the Po di Volano, near the Darsena City, and downstream of the bridge of San Giorgio, in the city center”.
The floating barrier system will be able to intercept and collect floating waste in the polluted rivers. The polyethylene they are made of ensures that there are no environmental impacts on flora and fauna. The plastic catch barriers have a boat equipped with a basket to collect the waste transported by the water. What is collected is then placed in special “big bags”, to be then transferred to the bestowal sites.
From rivers to the seas pollution
The experimentation will allow also us to verify their effectiveness and the possibility to use them for the prevention of the “marine litter“, the phenomenon of the dispersion of wastes in the sea. One could thus verify what types of waste are in the water and make an estimate of the amount interceptable, in particular for plastic.
“The experimentation that will last a year and is financed with 200.000 euros – the regional city council member to the Atmosphere has commented, Irene Priolo – re-enters between the actions of the strategy in order to reduce the disposable plastics, the backbone of the new Regional Plan for the management of waste. All through a mode of innovative intervention and sustainability, able to act 360 degrees for the protection and protection of the environment“.
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The total investment of the Region amounts to 300 thousand euros. In addition to the plastic catch barriers, further measures are planned, including the cleaning of banks and banks of rivers pollution. The aim is, in fact, the removal of abandoned waste. The entire project is under the responsibility of the Regional Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection and the testing activities will last one year.